🔹 How can I play this event?

🏆 Requirement: You need at least 1,000 Trophies to see it in your Events Menu.

📆 Duration: This event starts every 2 weeks on Friday, at 09:00 AM (UTC). It ends after 72 hours.

🎯 Objective: Complete races in the event to earn Medals that unlock personal Rewards!

📢 Gadget Modifiers: In this event, every Race asks you to pick between 2 Gadget modifiers that apply only to you!

🎟 Special Tickets: In this Event, you need to use 1 special event ticket to start a Race.

💡 There are many ways to get more special event tickets during the event: complete your daily missions, claim your event's daily gift, check your daily deals in the shop or open your Training Bags! Finished the Event with leftover Tickets? Don’t worry, they’ll be converted into Gems.

🔹 What rewards do I get in this event?

🎁 During the event, all rewards are displayed on your Medal gauge.

🏅 As you gain Medals, you’ll unlock increasingly bigger rewards such as having a choice between 2 Legendary Gadget Cards!

💡 Note that specific rewards will be improved depending on your current League.

See you on the race tracks!